Three Journeys Round
I saw firsthand what Save the Children and its partners are doing in Bangladesh.
A program, which takes kids from the slums into accelerated education, and then helps them get employment – 190,000 kids now enter annually, AWESOME!
And a day with a project to see how communities are helped to overcome poverty, malnutrition, birth complications and prejudice against children with disabilities. The families are brutally honest about their poverty – “they cannot prioritise the disabled member over bread winners” – and this program has changed their minds completely about inclusivity, protection and empowerment. STUNNING RESULTS!
Save the Children works in 120 countries, including the UK. They save children’s lives. They fight for their rights. They help them fulfil their potential.
Save the Children has led global action on children’s rights for over 90 years. In 1919 Eglantyne Jebb established the Fund to feed children facing starvation after the First World War and in 2014 it helped 17.4 million children through its work. Today STC run world-class programmes to save children’s lives and challenge world leaders to keep to their promises to give children a brighter future.
The Save the Children Fund (Co # 178159), Registered Charity England & Wales #213890 & Scotland #SC039570.